Friday, February 25, 2011

The work of a volunteer

In the Wau branch I have supported the volunteer coordinator in creating a volunteer management system in which the volunteers take more initiative and responsibility for the volunteer work they do in their community. It is nice to see that the work we have done is starting to pay off.

One example is from Udici – a village about one hour from Wau. Like any other village in South Sudan this place was destroyed during the war and the people of Udici only began returning in 2006 slowly rebuilding their life and village. We have worked in Udici for 4 years on community based health as well as the establishment of a health facility. As a result of the work there is now a group of very active volunteers in the area.
Training the volunteers
This group of volunteers now make quarterly work plans in which they have a number of health related activities such as awareness on malaria and HIV/AIDS, clean-up campaign in the community, etc. By using a work plan the group is now able to make needs assessments of the community and act on identified needs. For this reason the group decided to embark on an activity that was not directly related to health, but for which the need was big.

The village school

Outside Udici there is a small village with three very dedicated teachers teaching 75 children (10 girls, 65 boys) 1st – 4th graders. However, these teachers have no facilities and the children have been receiving education sitting in the shade under the trees – changing position with the sun.

Children inside the new school
Our volunteers felt they could make a difference and by using local materials they built four class rooms and a teacher’s room. The teachers are highly motivated to continue their good work based on this high recognition by the community. The children are loving coming to school with their new class rooms. And finally, the volunteers are happy being able to support the development of their community.
The teachers outside the new school
SRCS and myself are very happy for seeing the fruits of months of hard work in establishing a volunteer management system that helps bring out the best in all of us J.This story once again confirm what I have experienced during my past year here. That the people of South Sudan has a very strong sense of community and are willing to support in any way the development of their country. Now we can only hope that the politicians of this country will make the same efforts to ensure that peace and development prevails.

This is much needed – as the picture above is showing our volunteers distributing jerry cans and cups for the student, who has no other choice but to drink from the water source you see at the next photo!!!

Only water source around

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